Eastern Link

February 2021



Eastern Link banner light blue 1000
If you or your Circle is doing anything that might be of interest to other Circles, social activities, new ideas, keynote speakers coming up, helpful tips, or just of general interest,  please share that information and photos (if possible) through Eastern Link by emailing p21.newsletter@thecatenians.org.au

Without your stories Eastern Link doesn't exist.


 Innovations in Canberra
kate 100In February we will hold the formal meeting on Zoom at 7 pm on Tuesday 16 February and we have a Ladies Night without a meeting on Thursday 18 February. The Zoom link for the meeting is -
Sponsor a Catenian Aussie?
My wife Gen and I are both taking our Australian Citizenship tests in two weeks time, on Monday 22 February. We wish to raise some money for the Catenian Bursary Fund and invite anyone who would wish to do so to sponsor us when we take the test. This is entirely separate to our formal sponsorship at law.  It is an informal fund raiser.  All money raised will go to the Catenian Association's

 Enjoy the Good News - and an offer of a guest speaker
alan 100The author of "Enjoy the Good News", Alan Hogan attended Harbourside North Circle and gave a brief synopsis of the book, stating that he is willing to promote the book as a guest speaker at Catenian Circle dinners. Alan's bio from the ETF Press website -
 Verdi's La Traviata - Saturday 27th March
latrav 100Ku-Ring-Gai Catenian Circle are arranging a group booking to see Opera Australia's production of Verdi's La Traviata on Saturday 27 March 2021 at 7.30pm. This is the annual 'Opera on The Harbour' event. It is hoped that this will be an opportunity for us to support the arts in Australia – they have really suffered over the past year.  We can arrange lifts to the venue should you prefer not to use public transport.
 Save the Date! - City of Sydney Law Night - Wednesday, 14 April 2021
terry 100As part of the programme of events for its 50th Anniversary year, the City of Sydney Circle will join with the St Thomas More Society to host a Law Night on Wednesday,  14 April next. The event will be held at the Circle's usual meeting venue, the Fairmount Restaurant in the Occidental Hotel, corner of York and Erskine Streets, Sydney. Guest speaker will be Hon. Terence "Terry" Sheahan AO, former Attorney General of New South Wales
 Daily Mass for the Intentions of the Catenian Association
mass 100Ken Price - a prospective brother of the Cumberland West 143 circle along with John McNamee, both directors of a charity called "Little Changes of Mother and Child" - have kindly arranged for a daily Mass to be said for the intentions of Catenians, their families, friends, and loved ones to be remembered at a daily Mass over a period of five years.
 Provincial Golf Day changes
golf 100There are a few changes in the catering arrangements which are spelt out in the documents. Event organiser Stim Robinson advises that it has taken a bit longer to resolve some of these matters and hence the slightly later than normal communication of the competition details.  Hopefully, the current state of Covid control measures hold and are not tightened further.
 2021 Annual Harbourside North vs Manly Griffiths/Virgona Quiz
IMG 9398 100This year we test your knowledge of our Catholic faith! Questions: (answers are listed below)
1. List the seven (7) Sacraments of the Catholic Church ...
 Catenians in the 21st Century
Article 6 – Final in Series by Canberra's Phil Murray
In recent Eastern Links, I have examined our Association through the lens of Church teaching.
Is Church Teaching Relevant?

 Province 21 Catenians and the Cardonner Project
cardonner 100Province 21 Catenians would, by now, be aware of the Jesuits’ Cardonner Project and also of the generous merit based financial assistance provided by the Catenian Bursary Fund, in recent years, to its volunteer participants.
 News from around the circles
All of the news gathered from circle newsletters

 Regular social gatherings
Either weekly or monthly social activities, any visiting brother is welcome to join in if you're in the area.

 Prayers for ...
hands 100Please the listed Catenians and members of the extended Catenian network.

Innovations in Canberra

  • Zoom formal meeting, 2 days before a Ladies Night
  • Coffee morning in cluster groups
  • A message from President Brian Fish
  • Griffith weekend away

In February we will hold the formal meeting on Zoom at 7 pm on Tuesday 16 February and we have a Ladies Night without a meeting on Thursday 18 February.

The Zoom link for the meeting is - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86012602745?pwd=OWs4WE01M0ZlaXlWNXJqVXB6OEt2Zz09

In future we are going to experiment with holding formal meetings two days prior to the dinner on Ladies Night meetings.

tuggeranong coffee 400A good turn-out for the Tuggeranong Cluster’s first coffee morning of 2021 on 14 JanuaryCoffee mornings in February

Woden/Weston/Molonglo Cluster – 10 am, Tuesday 2 February, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden.
Tuggeranong Cluster – Thursday 11 February (to be confirmed) LDK Complex, Tuggeranong.
Belconnen/North Canberra Cluster – 10 am, Thursday 11 February, Canberra Southern Cross Club, Jamison.

Working Group on Reform of the Circle

Council, at its November meeting, established a small working group to examine options to give effect to the reform principles agreed by members at our November general meeting. The working group is comprised of Phil Murray, John McWilliam and Robin Wells from the Circle, and Peter Tilbrook from Provincial Council. A draft report has been prepared for consideration by Council at its January meeting. After Council has endorsed the report, there will then be a need to consult members on the options that are canvassed in it. We will try to make this consultation as wide as possible.

A Message from President Brian Fish

In my last Message I mentioned some changes that are being introduced to the Circle activities aimed at hopefully increasing both participation in, and enjoyment of, our activities going forward. These changes will only succeed with the active participation and cooperation of members. Please join in and try to make them work and, where you have some thoughts about how we can improve, please discuss them among members and pass those ideas on to any Council member. It is a way of participating in Circle life, and who knows, maybe sparking an interest that leads to Council membership.

February Ladies' Dinner, 6:30 pm, Thursday 18 February 2021

kate 300Kate Cleary, founder and CEO of The Farm in GalongThere will be no meeting held on this night. There will only be pre-dinner drinks and dinner.

Our speaker will be Kate Cleary, founder and CEO of The Farm in Galong.

The Farm is a not-for-profit charitable organisation located at Galong, on land previously operated by the Archdiocese. It was established about three years ago to support women who have completed rehabilitation from alcohol and other drug misuse and wish to consolidate their recovery. The work of the Farm is underpinned by the belief that whatever has been lost in a person's life can be restored.

Griffith Weekend Away, 5 to 8 March

It's still not too late to join in our weekend to Griffith in NSW. Our weekends away are always most enjoyable. So, why not consider joinning us. You won't be disappointed. If you would like to join us, please let George Kazs know as soon as possible, as he needs to finalise accommodation and dining bookings.

George Kazs has arranged an interesting weekend.

Accommodation: Econolodge Griffith Motor Inn 96 Banna Ave – a short walk past the visitors centre and top end of main street, Price is $120pn. Meals extra. Breakfast to room – approx. $22 for continental plus eggs and bacon. Breakfast options available in town centre.
Cost of bus: Cost of $140pp/pd reflects the estimated kilometres of this itinerary and is based on 20 people for the two days. We already have over 20 likely attendees, so this is likely to be a maximum cost.

Our January Meetings

There were 25 members and two guests (of Frank Nichols) at our January Circle meeting. Hopefully both guests enjoyed the occasion, will join us again and eventually choose to continue to enjoy our fellowship as members of the Circle.

There was no guest speaker on this occasion, but George Kazs spoke about plans for the March long weekend away to Griffith. George had visited the area, spoken to a range of people and had developed an interesting program for the visit.

Our meetings and dinners have now been back to (almost) normal now for some months. With government restrictions, we have been holding the meetings at the tables, although in future we will be trialling resuming 'circle' meetings, but having more than one concentric circle so that we can maintain appropriate social distancing. Also, we are sitting down to have our pre-dinner drinks, as
required by COVID-19 restrictions.

We also had good attendances at our Woden/Weston/Molonglo and Tuggeranong cluster coffee mornings in January.

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Sponsor a Catenian Aussie?

From Martin Stebbings, Ku Ring Gai Circle

My wife Gen and I are both taking our Australian Citizenship tests in two weeks time, on Monday 22 February

We wish to raise some money for the Catenian Bursary Fund and invite anyone who would wish to do so to sponsor us when we take the test. 

This is entirely separate to our formal sponsorship at law.  It is an informal fund raiser.  All money raised will go to the Catenian Association's Bursary Fund.

The test involves 20 multiple choice questions, selected at random by computer.  It is designed to assess whether candidates have an adequate knowledge of Australia, its democratic systems, beliefs and values, and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.

The pass mark is 75% (i.e. answers to 15 of the 20 questions must be correct).

I invite sponsors to pledge a sum for each question that we get right.

That would mean that a person sponsoring us at, say, 50 cents a question would be sponsoring us to a maximum amount of $20 if we both scored 100% correct answers.(i.e.  were Gen and I both to answer all 20 Questions correctly).

Please let me know, should you wish to sponsor Gen and Myself and, if so, the amount you would wish to sponsor us per question.

Further information about the Catenian Bursary Fund in Australia is provided in the link below:


The 3 minute video showcases the works undertaken by Bursary recipients.  In recent years many young Australian Catholics have been able to undertake voluntary work overseas assisted by Bursaries from the fund, which is in need of being replenished to enable Bursaries to continue to be provided in the future.

Martin Stebbings
Ku Ring Gai Circle
0412 726 803

An update from Martin

A big thank you to all brothers who have already pledged donations to the Bursary Fund, further to my email of 6 February (a copy of which is below).

So far $780 has been pledged -  provided that we get all 40 questions right.  I am hoping that with brother’s support we may manage to raise $1,000 for the Fund. 

This $780 does not include several brothers who have kindly agreed to sponsor us but have not specified an amount.

If you haven’t advised me of your donation amount, or have not yet pledged a donation, please feel free to advise your donation sum now, or to leave the matter as a nice surprise for payment directly to the Circle’s Catenian Account (Bursary payments), to count as anonymous donation. 

Monies will be collected through our Catenian Account and all  individual donations will be treated in strict confidence, unless brothers advise otherwise. 

Please however don’t make any payments until after Monday.  I will be providing advices for the payment descriptor in order that funds received into the Circle’s bank account may be allocated to the Bursary Fund.

We have received  donations ranging from $0.20 to $5.00 per question; all amounts are gratefully appreciated, big or small.  

I am mindful that brothers already support various charities and have a number of calls on resources.  

I will provide details of the Ku Ring Gai Catenian account and payment descriptor to enable donations to be provided after Monday.

Please stand by for bank details next week, assuming that Gen and I pass!! 

Thank you again for your support.

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Enjoy the Good News - and an offer of a guest speaker

book 200The author of "Enjoy the Good News", Alan Hogan attended Harbourside North Circle and gave a brief synopsis of the book, stating that he is willing to promote the book as a guest speaker at Catenian Circle dinners. 

alanAlan's bio from the ETF Press website -

After more than 50 years as a lawyer, having been a clerk, Judges associate, barrister, solicitor, law teacher, and five various types of judicial officer, Alan Hogan decided to retire, in order to do something different.

He obtained a Masters degree, majoring in Biblical Studies, at the Catholic Institute of Sydney. He was astonished at how little he had known about the fundamental documents of his religion.

This book is an atBack to the top of the pagetempt to share some of what he learnt about the New Testament with other Catholics, and with anyone else who may be interested.

It is not so much a book about the New Testament as a plan for reading all the books that go to make it up, roughly in the order in which they were written, with such additional information as to make available the message that each author intended to convey.

The book can be purchased from https://atfpress.com/?s=enjoy+the+good+news

Alan can be contacted to organise a guest speaker for your next dinner meeting at email :  ahog0576@bigpond.net.au

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Verdi's La Traviata - Saturday 27th March

Ku-Ring-Gai Catenian Circle are arranging a group booking to see Opera Australia's production of Verdi's La Traviata on Saturday 27 March 2021 at 7.30pm.  

latrav 300This is the annual 'Opera on The Harbour' event.

It is hoped that this will be an opportunity for us to support the arts in Australia – they have really suffered over the past year.  We can arrange lifts to the venue should you prefer not to use public transport.

Ticket prices (after 20% group discount) are:

A Reserve $245
B Reserve $201

If you are unable to make it on the day due to Covid restrictions, a refund or exchange is available.

Please could you let Martin Stebbings know if you would like to attend.  Please also advise your preference for A or B Reserve tickets. 

Martin's contact details are:

Email: martinjstebbings@msn.com
Tel: 0412 726 803

Family and friends are welcome. 

First come, first served! 

In 2021, Opera Australia are presenting La Traviata: the story that inspired Moulin Rouge.Experience the joy and heartache of the world's most popular opera at Sydney's best night out. Fireworks light up the sky at every performance. A giant chandelier shimmers over the harbour stage.

Arrive early to enjoy drinks or dinner at one of the five pop-up bars and restaurants on site. Drink in the view as the setting sun glimmers over the city skyline. Then take your seats in the comfortable grandstand to enjoy "a ravishing visual spectacle" The 3.5-tonne chandelier sparkles with 10,000 crystals. The biggest scenes feature 70 performers on stage and party boats in the harbour.https://opera.org.au/productions/la-traviata-on-sydney-harbour/

La Traviata is one of the cornerstones of the operatic repertory. The score is littered with fantastic tunes that are now wildly famous (even those who aren't at all operatically versed will know many of the arias from countless TV ads) but beyond that it is the coherence of the whole piece that makes it a masterpiece. The taut plot and vivid characters paired with Verdi's perfectly attuned music tend to result in few dry eyes by the end of Act III.

We can't promise Joan Sutherland and Luciano Pavarotti, as per utube extracts from their La Traviata performances in Sydney below, however you can't beat a live performance!



Details of Opera Australia's refund and exchange policy are in the link below:


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Save the Date! - City of Sydney Law Night - Wednesday, 14 April 2021

terryAs part of the programme of events for its 50th Anniversary year, the City of Sydney Circle will join with the St Thomas More Society to host a Law Night on Wednesday,  14 April next.

The event will be held at the Circle's usual meeting venue, the Fairmount Restaurant in the Occidental Hotel, corner of York and Erskine Streets, Sydney.

Guest speaker will be Hon. Terence "Terry" Sheahan AO, former Attorney General of New South Wales and retired Judge of the New South Wales Land and Environment Court

Registration details will be circulated during March. 

In the meantime, please save the date!

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Daily Mass for the Intentions of the Catenian Association


mass 180News from Tom Dowd (Cumberland West circle)

Ken Price - a prospective brother of the Cumberland West 143 circle along with John McNamee, both directors of a charity called "Little Changes of Mother and Child" - have kindly arranged for a daily Mass to be said for the intentions of Catenians, their families, friends, and loved ones to be remembered at a daily Mass over a period of five years. 

This service is provided by The Franciscan Mass Association at https://franciscanfriarscresson.org/home/

Many thanks to Ken and John for organizing that.


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Provincial Golf Day changes

golf 300There are a few changes in the catering arrangements which are spelt out in the documents. Event organiser Stim Robinson advises that it has taken a bit longer to resolve some of these matters and hence the slightly later than normal communication of the competition details. 

Hopefully, the current state of Covid control measures hold and are not tightened further.

Bro Stim also advises that the Gordon golf course is shorter and should be not as taxing as the longer Muirfield layout.  We hope that we can get a good representation from all Circles and that the day strengthens our Catenian  fraternity.




As previously advised, we needed to change the venue to Gordon GC following changes in the Muirfield GC competition schedule. Gordon is a shorter course which hopefully will encourage a larger field than in recent years.

The lunch arrangements are quite different in that we are trialling having each person order and pay for their own orders at the bar counter.

The club house restaurant (The Bunker) offers a limited range as is typical of many smaller clubs as can be seen from the lunchtime menu link below.

THE COMPETITION – Individual Stableford over 18 holes
Director's Trophy – Best aggregate score of any two Catenians from the same circle
The Ray Weekes Memorial Trophy – Circle Runners-Up Trophy
Vice-President's Trophy – Best individual Catenian score
Individual Catenian Runner Up
Best individual visitor
Individual visitor Runner-Up
Best Lady score
Best individual Catenian - front nine
Best individual Catenian – back nine
Best individual visitor - front nine
Best individual visitor - back six nine
Longest drive - on the 9th
Nearest the Pin - on the 2nd, 6th, 10th, 15th and 17th


The Club's menu can be downloaded here.  Please order what you like from the menu and pay for it yourself at the bar counter.


Please do all you can to come up with a minimum of four players from each circle.

There is no maximum number per circle.

Ladies are welcome to participate.

No limit on invites for visitors.

Non AGU handicap players are welcome. The maximum allowable handicap is 36 for 18 holes.

Prizes will be spread across some categories so more players share in the awards.

Speed of Play concerns:

All players are requested to be familiar with the need to keep up with the group in front.  If your group is lagging behind, please speed up. For instance, if you have played too many shots to score any points on that hole, please pick up your ball so that you can catch up to the group in front.

There is a maximum of three minutes allowed for looking for your ball. If you think your ball may be hard to find, consider playing a provisional ball.


The Gordon GC 'On Course' requirements as per their website are:







Restaurant follows the standard in-house dining requirements for QR code scan and distancing, all of which are clearly shown upon entry into the clubhouse

Download the Entry Form here which must be completed and returned by the closing date 3 March 2021.

All details are on the Entry Form.

Email: stimrobinson@hotmail.com
Mob: 0401 058 329.

Please contact me if you need any assistance.

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2021 Annual Harbourside North vs Manly Griffiths/Virgona Quiz

IMG 9398 350Harbourside North President (and quizmaster) Graham Short and Penny Virgona present the trophy to Manly President and quiz winner, Peter Williams.This year we test your knowledge of our Catholic faith!

Questions: (answers are listed below)

1. List the seven (7) Sacraments of the Catholic Church

2. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?

3. Of all the virtues which is the most excellent?

4. Which of the following was NOT one of the Twelve Apostles?

Peter, James, John, Andrew, Phillip, Matthew, Thomas, Paul, Thaddeus, Simon, Judas, Bartholomew, James.

5. What is the term for the change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ?

6. What colour may be worn by the Priest to celebrate Mass on both the Third Sunday of Advent and Fourth Sunday of Lent?

7. How many Hail Marys are on a standard Rosary?

50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55

8. Blasphemy is a sin against which Virtue?

9. In what year was the patron saint of Australian Catenians, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop canonised?

10. In how many Countries are Catenian Association Circles found ?

11. Which book of the Bible is the Ten Commandments NOT recorded in ?

Genesis - Exodus - Deuteronomy

12. Which Religious order Martin Luther belonged before he broke with the Church?

Augustinians - Jesuits - Columbians - Franciscans - Benedictines

13. What quality of the Church means that it will last to the end of Time?

14. Which is the Fifteenth Station of the Cross which is sometimes shown?

14. Name the 3 traditional Lenten Penances that we are encouraged to practice

15. Name the 3 traditional Lenten Penances that we are encouraged to practice     

16. Pope John Paul II in a message said "Modern society will find no solutions to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its -

Politics - Industries - Lifestyle

17. Can Temptation always be resisted?

Yes - No - Depends

18. Name the seven Capital sins

19. List the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?

20. What is Chrism a mixture of?

21. What is the shortest verse in the New Testament?



1. List the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church

Answer: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, Matrimony

2. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?

Answer: Mount Sinai

3. Of all the virtues which is the most excellent?

Answer: Faith Hope Charity

4. Which of the following was NOT one of the Twelve Apostles?

Answer: Paul

5. What is the term for the change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ?

Answer: Transubstantiation.

6. What colour may be worn by the Priest to celebrate Mass on both the Third Sunday of Advent and Fourth Sunday of Lent?

Answer: Rose

7. How many Hail Marys are on a standard Rosary?

Answer: 53

8. Blasphemy is a sin against which Virtue?

Answer: Faith

9. In what year was St Mary of the Cross MacKillop canonised?

Answer: 17th Oct 2010

10. In how many Countries are Catenian Association Circles found ?

Answer: 11 UK (England, Scotland, Wales) , Malta, Ireland, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia ,India, Bangladesh, Holy Land

11. Which book of the Bible is the Ten Commandments NOT recorded in ?

Answer: Genesis

12. Religious order Martin Luther King belonged to before he broke with the Church?

Answer: Augustinians

13. What quality of the Church means that it will last to the end of Time?

Answer: Indefectibility.

14. Which is the Fifteenth Station of the Cross which is sometimes shown?

Answer: The Resurrection

15. Name the 3 traditional Lenten Penances that we are encouraged to practice

Answer:Pray more Fast More Give More Alms 3

16. Pope John Paul II in a message said "Modern society will find no solutions to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its

Answer: Lifestyle

17. Can Temptation always be resisted?

Answer: YES

18. Name the seven capital sins

Answer: Pride, Avarice, Envy, Anger ,Lust , Gluttony ,Sloth 7

19. What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Answer: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord

20. What is Chrism a mixture of?

Answer: Olive Oil and Balm 2 .

21. What is the shortest verse in the New testament? 2

Answer: " Jesus Wept" John 11:3

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Catenians in the 21st Century

Article 6 – Final in Series by Canberra's Phil Murray

In recent Eastern Links, I have examined our Association through the lens of Church teaching.

Is Church Teaching Relevant?

The Association certainly thought so after Vatican II: 'Grand Council…produced 'Policy – Bearing in Mind the Decree of the Lay Apostolate'. The document related the Vatican Council's decrees to Catenian aims and objectives and illustrated how the Association was helping its members fulfil the call made by the Council Fathers' (Hagerty, 2007, pp138-139).

It may be easy retrospectively, but that is only partly true. In at least four key areas, our Association diverges from Vatican II's teachings, their subsequent codification in Canon Law (1983) and Pope St John Paul II's Christifideles Laici (CL), 1988:

  1. It lacks a central Purpose that supports the Church's mission to the world (Apostolicam Actuositatem (AA), 1965, n19; Cann. 215, 304§1, 321§2, 325§1 & 328).
  2. It excludes women (Lumen Gentium, 1964, n35; AA, 1965, nn4,7&9; Can. 304§1).
  3. It offers limited formation for members (AA, 1965, n31; Can. 329; CL, 1988, n28).
  4. It provides for little local flexibility (AA, 1965, n19; Can. 304§1&§2).

These divergences may be accidents of history. However, they depart from teachings designed to support the laity's 'principal role' in establishing the kingdom of God in the world (LG, 1964, n36). What could be more important?

As a result, our Association lags 55 years behind Church teaching, retaining a pre-Vatican II mindset that inhibits missionary achievement. Perhaps inadvertently, it has fallen into the trap of mediocrity.


As 'proudly Catholic', the Association should take urgent action to address these deficiencies. If not, the
Association would be exhibiting an extraordinary double standard:

  • On the one hand, Circles are considered bound by Association statutes; while
  • On the other hand, the Association would be regarding itself as not bound by Church statutes (Canon Law).

This would present an unhappy dilemma for members and Association Councils at all levels:

  • What takes precedence, Canon Law or Catenian statutes?
  • Are Association statutes that are inconsistent with Canon Law invalid?
  • If so, would not any Circle, Provincial or National Council be justified in departing from such

It's Up to Us!

I know that many members may not wish to see significant change; however, I hope I have demonstrated that the way we are today is not a suitable model for the present, let alone the future.

In looking to that future, we must put our Catholic faith ahead of our traditions that now must evolve for a new era. That does not necessarily mean the same thing for every Circle. By devolving authority to local level, each Circle's future would be in the hands of its own members:

  • Circles would determine how quickly they respond to increased flexibility, in keeping with local circumstances.
  • Circles with different membership profiles could be established (e.g., for older or younger members) with different operating arrangements.

Current membership is aging and falling. Resignations are likely to increase due to pandemic-related socialising changes. If we do not respond, the Association and the good it can do will die with us. To avoid that, we must seize the opportunity to act positively.

We are not in a position to know what will work best for the next generation and beyond; however, we canensure the Association's statutes are made sufficiently flexible for them to find the right solutions for their 'time and place' and ensure the Association and its mission continues.

Then, perhaps we will be able to say 'proudly' that we are 'Catenian Catholics' rather than, at present, 'Catholic Catenians'.

A document of all six articles available free from: phil.murray@grapevine.com.au

Phil Murray BA (Econ), MA (Theol Stud)

Phil is Membership Officer, Canberra Circle 331 and author of 'Friends for Life: Catenians in the 21st Century', 2018. His career included 10 years as a senior manager in the Church's national peak body that supports its social welfare services throughout Australia.

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Province 21 Catenians and the Cardonner Project

Article and sketch by Graham Short, Harbourside North President and Province 21 Membership Officer

Province 21 Catenians would, by now, be aware of the Jesuits’ Cardonner Project and also of the generous merit based financial assistance provided by the Catenian Bursary Fund, in recent years, to its volunteer participants.

cardonner 600The Cardonner Project headquarters is Jesuit House, on the corner of Parramatta Rd and City Rd Chippendale. It is a former ES&A Bank, built in 1930, in the inter war Free Classical Style of architecture (sketch attached).

The building also houses The Two Wolves Catina, a Mexican themed community restaurant, on the ground floor, and residential accommodation on the upper floors for university students who also provide volunteer services.

Cardonner Project participants volunteer to perform works both locally and overseas at their own expense, either as short term immersion programs or 12 month placements.

Various Circles have supported the Project via donations to the Catenian Bursary Fund and presented cheques, from the Fund, to participants at Circle dinners.

Participants have in turn given presentations, at Circle dinners, upon their return.

As with any organization both the Cardonner Project and Two Wolves Catina have been challenged by CoVid restrictions both locally and on overseas travel and assistance programs.

Circles are encouraged to make donations to the Catenian Bursary Fund as a way of providing Australian contributions for its work specially the Cardonner Project.

Province 21 Council is supportive of the Cardonner Project both are working towards developing an ongoing relationship.

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News from around the Circles

IMG 9398 350President Graham Short, Penny Virgona and the winner, Manly President Peter Williams.Highlights from Circle Newsle

Highlights from Circle Newsletters.

Harbourside North:

Griffiths Virgona Trivia Shield
Whilst we had a good roll up last month, our brothers were not able to match the knowledge of Manly's President Peter Williams on the subject of this year's competition. Brother President Graham had created a challenging set of Trivia questions on matters religious.

HSN new member 200Graham Short presents new brother Martin Ryan with his HSN tie

Welcome to our new member Martin Ryan

At the January meeting, we had the great pleasure of enrolling our latest member Brother Martin Ryan.

A big welcome to you Brother Martin.

Phil Guiney Catering Officer
Bro Phil had an accident a few days before the last meeting, which landed him in hospital. Despite that he organised from his hospital bed for his walk start 300John Tweedie (left) at the start of his Trek for Timorchef Brenton Scott to put on a great dinner for us and our Manly visitors.
A huge thank you to Phil, and to Brenton.

After Dinner Speaker
Brother John Tweedie will speak on his recent fundraising Trek for Timor walk from Chatswood to Blackheath to raise funds for projects such as the Nain Feto Ramelau Catholic Secondary School in Hatobuilico East Timor.





25 Ku-ring-gai and 7 Hornsby Brothers, plus one visiting gentleman gathered at the Warrawee Club for the annual joint meeting between the two Circles. The visiting gentleman was former Ku-ring-gai Circle member and St Ives parishioner, Harry Hull, visiting from his southern highlands home. It was a delight to see him back catching up with old friends. Ku-ring-gai was the host Circle but we were forced into a last minute venue change due to catering difficulties at the St Ives Club. Thanks to the Warrawee Club for being able to accommodate us at short notice.

Despite battling some issues with a malfunctioning microphone, quizmasters John White and Michael Costin kept us entertained and engaged with four rounds of trivia for each table. Questions were in the categories of Movies/Actors; Pop/Rock Singers; Sport/Olympics; and Australian Prime Ministers.

After a closely fought competition the table of Brothers Phil Davies, Ken Anania, Allan Chidrawi, Claude Jugmans and our visitor Harry Hull were the deserving winners. A big thankyou to John and Michael for organising the trivia contest and coming up with such interesting questions. Also thanks to Br Martin Stebbings who supplied some Furphy's beer as consolation prizes.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening, so much so that everyone was too engaged to take any photos!

City of Sydney:

City of Sydney 400Peter Tilbrook, Peter O'Reilly, Melissa McCarney and Peter GialourisWe have commenced our New Year of 2021 with a combined meeting with our close friends in City of Parramatta Circle on the 20th January 2021. We had an excellent roll-up from our most western Circle with Eleven brothers attending. They are Michael Lilley (Pres) Peter Murney (Sec) Chris Worthington (V/Pres) Mel Waters (Treas) Ian Goldthrope, Michael Tan, Peter Moriarty, Maurie Mouyat, Sylvester Simon, Ed Van Riet and Phil Russo.

We were also honoured to have Melissa McCarney doing a survey for the Province into "Who are Catenians". She was accompanied by the Prov. V/Pres Paul Pearson

It was very good to be able to have a face/face meeting with great fellowship with our Parramatta brothers. Visiting other Circles seemed to not be popular in Australia, pity as it spreads the ethos of the Catenian Spirit
across our city.

Bro. Pres. Peter has commenced visiting the other Circles in the Province so we should try and accompany him when he visits the Circles.


Griffiths/Virgona Shield – trivia challenge night – Jan 2021 

Manly Circle retains the Shield 

phil peterPhil Virgona and Peter Griffiths at the 2011 meeting at MosmanOur January 2021 joint meeting with Harbourside North Circle for the Griffiths-Virgona Shield was hosted by Harbourside North Circle on Thursday, 14 January 2021. This was our annual joint trivia night meeting and dinner with Harbourside North Circle. 

Manly Circle retained the Shield with the winning trivia score delivered by Manly President Peter Williams. Harbourside North President Graham Short had created a challenging set of trivia questions on matters religious! Many a furrowed brow was evident throughout the room, and no mention will be made of some of the lower scores! It was nonetheless another most enjoyable evening and many thanks to Harbourside North for hosting. 

The Griffiths Virgona Shield was instituted after the 2011 passing of then Manly President Peter Griffiths, the morning after that year’s joint meeting, and after Phil Virgona, the Mosman trivia quiz master, also died later that same year. 

A COVID-19 reflection by Fr Dave Austin OSA 

Part of a recent COVID-19 reflection in the North Harbour Parish Newsletter by Fr David Austin OSA, Parish Priest at St Kieran’s Church, Manly Vale. He said: 

“Our experiences during COVID have affected our approach to Eucharist,  hopefully deepening our understanding of real presence. Restrictions and lockdowns, our need to decide how best to protect the safety of ourselves and those around us, touched people of all faiths, especially those in care facilities. Technology made it possible to participate in Masses from across the country and the world, in a variety of languages and cultural settings – and so we reflect on what the Eucharist means to us. 

What is real presence? 

The isolation of COVID brings home to us so very clearly the absolute necessity of the real presence of our friends and families. Despite the relative satisfaction of livestreamed liturgies, the Eucharist remains ‘the source and summit of the Christian life’. The fundamental ‘presence’ of Christ in the Eucharist is in ourselves as the Assembly gathered – the praying community bodily present, symbol of the Body of Christ. In this setting, the presence of Christ is in the Word proclaimed, his most special presence in Holy Communion which nourishes us individually and as a community, and his presence in the person of the priest.” 

Thoughts for Lent 2021 in these COVID times 

Ash Wednesday, marking the start of Lent, falls on Wednesday, 17 February 2021, and by chance, this is the date of our February meeting. Here are a few thoughts for Lent: 

walkers 400A super sunny day recently greeted walkers Paul Pearson, Mike Guy, Brian Hamer, Terry Hayes, John McCarney and David Addington.Give up harsh words……………………...Use generous ones 
Give up unhappiness……………………..Take up gratitude 
Give up anger……………………………...Take up gentleness and patience 
Give up pessimism………………………..Take up hope and optimism 
Give up worrying…………………………..Take up trust in God 
Give up complaining………………………Value what you have 
Give up stressing………………………….Take up prayer 
Give up judging others……………………Discover Jesus within them 
Give up sorrow and bitterness…………...Fill your heart with joy 
Give up selfishness……………………….Take up compassion 
Give up being unforgiving………………..Learn reconciliation 
Give up words……………………………..Fill yourself with silence…and listen to others 


sightingManly walkers were joined on one of their recent walk by a visitor (left) sunbaking in Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve.
















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Regular Circle Social gatherings

If your circle is doing any regular activities lease email newsletter@thecatenians.org.au to be included in this list, allowing brothers from other circles the opportunity to join in.

Please contact the various Circle secretaries if you would like to visit -


10.00am Tuesday mornings get-together at the Cucina de Luca, the Carmen Drive, Carlingford, café and coffee shop, using the footpath seating to uphold social distancing.


2nd Friday lunch: Every 2nd Friday of the month, join us for lunch at12 noon at the scenic Wakehurst Golf Club, Upper Clontarf Street,
Seaforth.  We sit out on the verandah in the socially distanced fresh air enjoying the wonderfully diverse menu, everything from $5 sandwiches, hamburgers, spinach tarts to $25 steaks.

Walks along Manly Beach continue every Tuesday amd Thursday at 7:15am, starting from Queenscliff Surf Club to Shelley Beach and return.

Virtual Trivia, every second Tuesday via Zoom.

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Your Prayer's are needed for …

Please pray for Catenians and members of the extended Catenian network listed below.


Our members, family and friends who are sick and in need of our prayers

Brothers Greg Scahill, John Szymanski, Steve Swain, Mike Tighe and John Boland.

Family members Carolynne Wawryzniak, Marie Gibbons, Barbara Burke, David Gardener, Sam Gardener (Justin's brother), Gayle and Suzie Meagher, Rebecca Davies, Madeleine Szymanski and daughter Kate McRea, Margaret Marshall, Karen Tighe and Wayne Landers (Malcolm McEwan's brother-in-law).


Prayers; For the sick, -- Br Milan & Mary Bohman, Paul Roberts – mother & B.I.L.& Colin McDonald (Br David's friend), Brs Don Mees and Stan & Jan Burgin


Bro Chris Micallef has been somewhat in the wars in recent times. Here is a very recent update from Gavin Williamson at Pittwater Circle:
Chris is back in Northern Beaches Hospital and then he'll probably move to Mona Vale Rehab.
He now lives a Wesley Taylor Village in Narrabeen. As this is 100m from Gavin's home, Gavin said he has had the opportunity to have a fair amount of contact. Because he leaves the village 3 times week to go to NB Hospital for dialysis, he has to isolate for 3 days which means he is in permanent isolation. He is allowed occasional visits, but Gavin said he had to garb up in cap, mask, gloves and gown. However, Chris has a balcony which he comes onto and Gavin said he can talk to him reasonably close by. Gavin has been able to get him a WiFi Hotspot dongle so he can use his computer and an EBook Reader so he does not have to worry about getting books.
He is looking forward, hopefully in later 2021, to making it to a Catenian dinner.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris.

Bro Jim Rush has been having health issues with his heart. Latest is that tests have been done and there is a possibility Jim may have an operation to sort things out in February at St Vincent's Hospital. He is in very good spirits and our thoughts and prayers are with him and Liz.

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